Services SETA Grants

Application & Management

Services SETA Grants

BrainTrust has received multiple Services SETA grants to educate South Africans in the Real Estate industry. Services SETA opens their discretionary grant window every second year, where Skills Development Levy monies are distributed to companies and training providers for skills development.

The Services SETA grant application process is a demanding one; requiring a significant amount of company information and documentation. All grant applications undergo a due diligence process with a Services SETA representative, before commencement and approval. Monthly reporting and monitoring on the project require constant communication with Services SETA to ensure milestones are met and invoices paid accordingly.

BrainTrust partners with Real Estate companies who have received their own grants, and also assist other entities with their Services SETA grant applications and project management.

If you would like to speak to someone with regards to a Services SETA grant or the management thereof, contact one of our experts below: